Wednesday, 9 January 2019

As The World Turns...

Seems the world just keeps spinning outside my little box! I have been so busy the past few weeks, I don't know which end is up! The BnB has been fully booked, so amidst designing quilts and giving clues on MQA, I have been flat out with sheets, towels, and toilet cleaning! I am excited, however, that we have decided to take a bit of a break. We have our current guests and one more lot and we will be finished for a wee while.

I am so looking forward to the retreat next week! I have some fun things planned. Everyone starts arriving in THREE days!!!!!!!! I made little gifts for each quilter and we have a full on itinerary of fun and relaxing things to do. This is the first of many. Now that the BnB is taking a break, I can schedule more retreats throughout the year! YAY!

The lightening strike that took out our internet, HRV system, and garage door opener finally is behind us. We finally got the garage door replaced. The company that replaced it has been so busy, seems the lightening took out several in the city!

I am also excited to introduce the mystery for our 2,000 celebration quilt. It is so gorgeous. I need to sandwich it so I can finish it up and get it on my bed! It is like nothing we have done before, so I am super curious to know if everyone will love it as much as I do. CAN'T WAIT!!

I also have another design in the sewing stage and yet another on the drawing board. I added a pieced border to the one on the drawing board. I love it! I am having way too much fun! Can't wait to share! These are my choices for the newest one that I am sewing. The one on the drawing board...I haven't gone "shopping" for yet!

I need to get busy recording tutorials as well. I have a few to catch up on and a few more to write and get to video! WOW! I love my "job"!

I am going to get busy sewing now. I think I have earned some "Me" time. Been busy writing instructions for two days, my poor machines are lonely! AND, I want to design a new teddy bear, I have had a thought in my head I need to get to paper! WAY TOO MUCH FUN!

Have an amazing day!