Monday, 16 January 2017

More Blessings!

Image result for don't forget God's blessings clipartSitting here having my cuppa tea, sometimes my mind boggles and I have a hard time wrapping my head around God's blessings on us. This past week has been one of those weeks. We have had long time friends stop by and bless us, new friends made, and prayers answered in miraculous ways (amongst too many other blessings to name). I am not sure why God chooses to bless, but I am so very thankful for His grace, mercy, and provision.

It goes without saying God knows what we need, when we need it. I "preach" this to myself all the time. It still takes me off guard sometimes when He answers that, "I don't know what we are going to do" prayer. We have watched God provide miracoulously over the years, but I still stand in awe when He just keeps continuing to bless us. We serve because we love our LORD, I know He blesses because He loves us. 

Sorry to blab on, but I just wanted to Praise the LORD for His blessings in our lives. I know I don't thank Him enough, can we EVER thank Him enough for saving our souls, making us joint heirs with Jesus, and bessing our lives exceeding abundantly above all we could ever ask or think?

God's richest blessings on you,


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