Wednesday, 15 March 2017


Well this weekend has been a crazy one! Saturday it started to rain, this rain lasted until Sunday night. We got up and went to church. On our way home, we noticed A LOT of water in the culverts along side the road. We live on the Ngongataha Stream, which we promptly checked. It wasn't too bad, but it was up and muddy. I fixed lunch and we ate, after which we checked the stream again. This time is was at it's limit and our bridge was underwater. By the time it was all said and done, the stream had risen so much, we couldn't calculate. Our house became an island in this "lake" which was flowing enough to have a current! This pic is of our front yard which usually looks like a golf course. The water made it dangerously close to my floor boards. It was flowing under my house. Today (Wednesday), we still have a few lakes under our house. We are very thankful to an amazing God that took the weather into HIS capable hands and stopped the rain. It took several hours to be back to the stream, which is still up and muddy. My brave husband even saved a poor trout's life, catching it with his bare hands and throwing it back into the stream after he got it out of the fence. What an adventure it was deciding what to put on higher ground around the house....quilts, dolls, and teddy bears were first on my agenda, while more practical things Shane tended to. Our road is still closed from mudslides and downed trees. Fortunately we can get out another way, but they are only letting those who live down in our valley past the blockades. Our golf course lawn is caked with mucky sticky mud....I lost a shoe to it!!!

I am hoping to take today as a crafty island day. Last night I finished the main stitching on a very long pile ted. For a bit of prospective, this arm is six inches (15 cm) long, The mohair is nearly as long as the arm!! I would love to fill it today and get busy on another one. I have been battling a sore throat and cough for four days. I am going to rest as well, just hanging out in my sewing room "playing" with my quilts and bears. 

Hoping you are staying dry and that you can have an "island" day in your very near future. Keeps us all sane! Thanks for reading!

From my island to yours,

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